Land(ing) Art

Rivertown Revival features all kinds of art – art boats, art performances, music and crafty items for you to purchase, but have you noticed the sculptures? Since the beginning of this amazing event, we have invited Sonoma County'(and beyond) sculptors to wow you with their skill and talent. Again this year, the artists will present their art on land and if you are lucky you will see some on water. On the promenade as you enter the event, you should look left and right to see the exhibition of sculptural wonders.  Here you will find the art of our sculpture luminaries who have worked hard to produce and present you with these feats of aesthetic beauty. All art will be available for barter.

Also of colossal wonder..... you may want to seek out the giant Photo Chapel of Michael Garlington. It is under wraps in the artist's studio on Copland and D our parking lot.  This work is in the process of being built for Burning Man and once completed will be enjoyed in the Nevada desert a the event, then burned.

Land(ing) Artists


Thank you Sponsors!


For the Young River Rat